How are you ? Hope you enjoy the best season in Kyoto.
Pottery festival will be held on Nov 19(Sat), 20 (Sun), 26(Sat) and 27(Sun) in the area from Tofukuji temple to Sennyu-ji temple located in east-south of Higashiyama, Kyoto.
You can find a wide variety of Kyoyaki/Kiyomizuyaki (Kyoto style) potteries at approx. 30 kilns in the area with special discount price. Its interesting to see these potteries and talk to craftsmen in each kiln !
The area is perfect place to walk around and see autumn foliage. Maple leaves at Tofukuji and Imakumano Kannon-ji will change its color in red around mid November.
We Shunzan-gama (Sennyu-ji, Higashiyama, Kyoto) and our showroom “Kyo-no Yakimono Wakuwaku” will participate in the Festival. Don’t forget to visit us ! Details of Festival (written in Japanese only)→2022もみじ祭りチラシ